Vol. 15 No. 3 (1995): Special Issue

Cover Berkala Arkeologi

This Special Edition presented is the result of the seminar Humans in Space: Area Studies in Archeology. The seminar, which was organized by the Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional - Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta, took place on March 15-16 1995. The tendency of spatial archaeology as an approach in the field of archeology essentially focuses more attention on the study of the spatial dimensions (spatial) of archaeological objects and sites, besides studying the dimensions of form (formal) and time (temporal). In Indonesia, the paradigm of space archeology has not yet been used as the main basis for most archaeological research. The relatively small number of experts who are passionate about pursuing spatial-archaeological studies has resulted in the lack of research results that can be used as reference material or adequate comparative material. It is fully realized, if this is allowed to continue, then the development of spatial-archeology in Indonesia will inevitably be left behind from similar research in other countries.

Published: 1995-11-30
