Identification of potential cave occupation sites on the western part of the karstic Rembang Zone

Identifikasi potensi situs hunian gua di karst Zona Rembang bagian barat


  • Hari Wibowo Research Center of Archaeometry, National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Ahmad Surya Ramadhan Alumni Aix-Marseille University
  • Muhammad Wishnu Wibisono Graduate Program Department of Archaeology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Rakhmat Dwi Putra Karst Studies Group, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
DOI     10.30883/jba.v42i1.979


Prehistory, survey, quantitative rankings, Pati, Central Java


The karst area in Pati and Grobogan is the western segment of the Rembang Zone on the northern karst of Java which has not been studied intensively by the archaeologists. This article describes the potential cave occupation sites in the karst area of Pati and Grobogan. Data for this article was collected through field surveys and analysed using a qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method served as data filters before the quantitative analysis. The quantitative method was applied to rank the observed objects based on the variables of accessibility, morphological, and archaeological data. The results demonstrate that the karst segment in Pati, especially in the Sukolilo subdistrict, has a higher potential than the karst area in Rembang and Grobogan. Out of the 29 caves surveyed, five are archaeologically potential as prehistoric settlements. Of the five caves, only one cave is ranked as having high potential and the rest is ranked as medium potential. Regarding their location, the five caves with archaeological potential are scattered along the north side of the karst hills of the Pati Regency area.


Kawasan karst Zona Rembang bagian barat di Pati dan Grobogan adalah segmen karst Jawa utara yang belum banyak diteliti secara arkeologis. Artikel ini membahas potensi situs gua hunian di karst Pati dan Grobogan. Data untuk artikel ini diperoleh melalui survei lapangan, sedangkan analisisnya menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif digunakan sebagai filter data sebelum analisis kuantitatif. Metode kuantitatif menggunakan variabel aksesibilitas, morfologi, dan kandungan data arkeologis yang menghasilkan penilaian potensi arkeologi di tiap situs yang diteliti. Melalui analisis tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa segmen karst di Pati, terutama daerah Kecamatan Sukolilo, memiliki potensi yang lebih tinggi daripada karst di Kabupaten Rembang dan Grobogan. Terdapat lima situs gua yang memiliki potensi hunian prasejarah dari 29 gua yang ditemukan selama survei. Lokasi lima situs tersebut tersebar di kawasan perbukitan karst sisi utara, yang secara administratif masuk ke dalam wilayah Kabupaten Pati.


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Author Biography

Hari Wibowo, Research Center of Archaeometry, National Research and Innovation Agency

Assistant Researcher


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Identifikasi potensi situs hunian gua di karst Zona Rembang bagian barat



How to Cite

Wibowo, H., Ramadhan, A. S., Wibisono, M. W., & Putra, R. D. (2022). Identification of potential cave occupation sites on the western part of the karstic Rembang Zone. Berkala Arkeologi, 42(1), 17–36.


